AISC 360-16 LRFD Shear Plate bolted connection check, Rev 0.02 (17 Nov. 2017)
Used References:
1- AISC 360-16 LRFD.
2- Steel Construction Manual, 14th ed., Part 10.
3- Steel Design by William T. Segui _6th Ed-2017, Chapter 7, Simple connections.
4- Unified Design of Steel Structures by Louis F. Geschwindner_1st Ed-2008, Chapter 11 Simple Connections, 11.8 Single plate shear connections.
5-Structural Steel Design by Jack C. McCormac_5th Ed-2011, Chapter 15, item#15.7 Single plate, or shear tab, framing connections.
6- Handbook of strcutural steel Connection Design and Detail by Akbar R Tamboli_3rd ED-2016, Chapter 2, item #2.4.6 Extended Single-Plate Shear Connections (Shear Tabs).
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