Saturday, March 25, 2017

PE exam review notes: Civil AM-I.A. Quantity take-off methods

This is the first publish of my PE exam review notes. in the first topic of Civil AM topic  "I. Project Planning 4/40" , which i had summarized during my review - to pass this important Exam for us as Engineers - and to had my own notes to reduce the required time during the Exam to browse/search in the handbooks/codes to solve a problem.

Let's start !!!
First, NCEES specifications
CIVIL BREADTH Exam Specifications

Second, Good/required handbooks:
FE Reference Handbook by NCEES," very useful specially for AM"
Civil Engineering All-In-One PE Exam Guide Breadth and Depth by Indranil Goswami
Civil Engineering Reference Manual by Michael R. Lindeburg

Third, practice exams:
PE Civil Engineering Structural Practice Exam by NCEES, 
Civil Engineering PE Practice Exams Breadth and Depth by Indranil Goswami

Practice Exam for the Civil PE Exam: BREADTH + STRUCTURAL DEPTH by Indranil Goswami

Civil PE Practice Examination by Michael R. Lindeburg

Other references:
NAVFAC DM 7.01 Soil Mechanics DESIGN MANUAL by U.S. Department of the Navy_1986
NAVFAC DM 7.02 Foundations & Earth Structures by U.S. Department of the Navy_1984
AASHTO Roadside Design Guide, 4th Ed-2011
Good websites:

                                                              © by Mohamed Abushady, P.E.

I. Project Planning 4/40
A. Quantity take-off methods
B. Cost estimating
C. Project schedules
D. Activity identification and sequencing

I.A. Quantity take-off methods: